One of the most powerful woman in the world, Oprah, reveals great shocking surprise about her life and family sequentially. All of readers' must getting shocked of her pregnancy at the age of 14. Now Oprah introduced the world to her long-lost half-sister, Patricia. Oprah Winfrey yesterday revealed that she'd recently learned she has a half-sister named Patricia. The two met for the first time last Thanksgiving, and Oprah introduced her to fans on Monday's show. While her last name has not been made public, Patricia was born in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1963. Oprah's mother, Vernita, put the child up for adoption, and Patricia spent the first seven years of her life in various foster homes before being permanently adopted. "I made the decision to give her up because I wasn't able to take care of her," Vernita says. Patricia is currently a single mother with two children of her own named Aquarius and Andre.

When she was 20, Patricia made her first attempt to contact her birth mother, but didn't follow up. In 2007, at the urging of her own children, she tried again. The state gave Patricia birth records revealing that she had three siblings, but informed her that her mother had no wish to meet up. That same day, Patricia saw an interview with Oprah's mother on television, and learned that details about Oprah's siblings matched the information on her birth records.

On Thanksgiving Day, Oprah and her partner Stedman Graham drove to Milwaukee to meet Patricia. On seeing her, Oprah noted her resemblance to her other sister, coincidentally also named Pat, who died in 2003 after a prolonged struggle with drugs. "It was so uncanny to us and to everybody in this family how much this Patricia looked like, moved like, talked like Pat," Oprah says. "It was a Beloved moment, if you know what I mean: The daughter who comes back from the dead."

Hello Oprah Winfrey, we're looking for your next surprise!!!